

Lab holding challenges pertaining to the economic sector

Innovative business solutions for Italy

The suspension of commercial and tourist activities at a local and global level, the contraction of family income and the new health protocols, consequences of COVID-19, are pushing businesses to reconsider their economic models.
The aim of the Italian Identity Lab is to identify, among others, new and/or better productive and commercial practices, relations with the clients, cooperative strategies and local, national or international commercial positioning strategies.



Tourism / Food / Fashion / Export & Logistics / Artisans / Transport and Mobility / Entertainment / Agriculture / Sport / Production businesses / & much more

Tourism / Food / Fashion / Export & Logistics / Artisans / Transport and Mobility / Entertainment / Agriculture / Sport / Production businesses / & much more


  • Production or commercial practices
  • Ways to design, produce or commercialize goods and services
  • Goods and services
  • Ways to offer added value to users
  • Ways to increase the material or immaterial value of businesses
  • Ways to communicate with clients
  • Commercial models (to improve income or infrastructures available to businesses)
  • Commercial positioning strategies for the local, international and global market         
Natural imperatives for this Lab are matters relating to the respect for the environment, social practices, production and commerce and immaterial goods (such as know-how, creativity and brands) and to scalability and replicability of the proposed solutions