From Context The image of Italy and in particular of Milan has suffered a severe blow not only at local level but above all at national and international level.
Challenge How to get back to being a trend half for international tourism? Create strategies and tools to return to being at the center of tourism trends.
PMI e Millennials
Context Le piccole e medie imprese, sono il cuore pulsante del tessuto produttivo italiano, pilastro fondamentale dell’economia e della società. Le PMI possono essere un modello ancora attuale e valido, capace di generare crescita nel nostro Paese. E’ molto importante che i giovani vengano sensibilizzati sul ruolo fondamentale delle PMI in Italia e attratti dal potenziale in esse racchiuso.
Challenge Create tools and propose strategies to make SMEs interesting for millennials: involve them to support the digital transformation currently underway.
Agricoltura e BIO
Context Nel periodo del lockdown i consumi di prodotti biologici sono aumentati ma la limitazione negli spostamenti ha creato per i piccoli e medi produttori bio difficoltà dovute alla limitazione nella commercializzazione dei prodotti o drastiche censure sull’importante fronte di integrazione al reddito aziendale caratterizzata da agriturismi, fattorie didattiche e ristorazione aziendale. Ciò ha interessato in particolare modo quelle aziende non facenti parte di strutture organizzate, come i GODO (Gruppi Organizzati di Domanda e offerta) e i Biodistretti.
Challenge AIAB sfida i partecipanti a sviluppare un’infrastruttura digitale integrata e funzionale a supporto della logistica per mettere in contatto domanda e offerta di prodotti biologici italiani di qualità e di territorio, rivolta sia a consumatori finali che al settore, mense pubbliche incluse.
Stop Fake News
Context Increased awareness and willingness to accept the cost of journalistic intermediation are the primary actions to contain the phenomenon of fake news.
Can news have a certification, how does a food product have a label that describes its ingredients, origin, etc.? Fake news thrives within social "bubbles", that is, contexts in which there is no contradictory, in which everyone thinks the same way.
Challenge Countering the phenomenon of fake news by using an innovative approach for the management of those "places" where we can question our certainties and be able to form an opinion.
Urban Mobility
Context For many Italian cities, the return to normal will be slow and difficult, especially due to the uncertainty related to the infections. In this context, it is inevitable that public transport will no longer be used to the full of their abilities, and consequently the citizen will have to remodel his habits in a context where, however, the possibilities and infrastructures are limited.
Challenge Find alternative and innovative solutions to avoid the economic, social and environmental consequences that these limitations will cause.
New Milan
Context Covid-19 has particularly affected the image of Italy and in particular of Milan, which is one of the most representative metropolitan cities in Europe.
In this context, there is a great desire to strengthen the image of the city at local, national and international level.
Challenge Il comune di Milano, attraverso la piattaforma Italy of Tomorrow, invita i partecipanti ed i professionisti coinvolti nell’iniziativa, a dare il proprio contributo elaborando una strategia o un progetto per il rilancio dell’immagine di Milano, da sempre attenta al tema della mobilità di studenti, giovani talenti e giovani famiglie da tutta Europa e non solo.
The common goal is to relaunch the image of Milan by adapting it to the new safety and health needs of young people who will start moving from September.
Reuse of Clothing
Context The value of unused and abandoned clothing in the closets has been estimated at around £ 30 billion. It has also been estimated that garments worth around 160 million euros end up in landfills every year.
With the right promotions, business decisions and targeted initiatives, it would be possible to solve this problem.
Challenge What could be an innovative approach to combat this phenomenon, not only by addressing the consumer but also involving the textile industry, fashion companies and all the ecosystem necessary to bring about a change.
Ripensare lo Studio
Context Il Covid-19 ed il lockdown hanno spinto a sviluppare e reinventare un settore in crescita come quello dell’Edu-intrattenimento: Si tratta di Apps disponibili su diverse piattaforme che aiutano gli studenti Universitari ad arricchire il loro bagaglio di conoscenze in maniera alternativa agli schemi classici.
The software application in question, called Thefaculty, consists of a game challenge based on questions related to the study programs of the various Italian university faculties with benefits offered by sponsors and / or partners. For the operation of the App, a large amount of questions and answers are required which are elaborated, verified and provided by the industrial partner Selexi, a well-known Milan company expert in the fields of training and selection. The game and the benefits of the partner companies are directly connected within the App through a loyalty mechanism called "tokens": each user is allowed to accumulate tokens for certain "actions" within the App (for example and not exhaustive: games played, used vouchers, etc.).
Challenge Design a strategy to reinterpret the study and preparation of post-Covid-19 remote exams using the pre-existing characteristics of the the faculty App. The challenge is aimed at mainly technical profiles with good creativity.
Economia Circolare
Climate change and the environmental emergency have been under everyone's eyes for many years now. Covid forced us to completely change our habits but in the same way we had more time and sensitivity to be attentive and participate in civil society, which, through its choices, commercial and non-commercial, and action from below - in synergy with the institutions and other players in the country's economic, political and social arena - it acts as a protagonist in the game of the green and circular economy. You must take advantage of these moments to set up a sustainable restart model, from an environmental and economic point of view, for the Italian production fabric, also thanks to the use of new technologies.
Launch innovative and possibly high-tech ideas and projects that can stimulate citizens, businesses and other organizations on the need to combine the three faces of sustainable development - environmental, social and economic.
Il Futuro del Turismo Enogastronomico
Context Indirizzo di massima per rispondere al Covi-19 è puntare sul turismo interno. Tra le indicazioni strategiche nazionali per rispondere a questo, c’è quella di ristabilire la fiducia dei viaggiatori e stimolare la domanda attraverso nuove narrazioni del settore, più sicure e più semplici.
Challenge Come possono essere ideate e veicolate nuove narrazioni nel turismo enogastronomico? quali progetti di storytelling complessi e sistemici possono essere messi in atto per rassicurare il turista e raccontare in modo innovativo l’enogastronomia locale?
Ed ancora quali possono essere le innovazioni tecnologiche rivolte alla domanda per intercettare la domanda e quindi promuovere il territorio?
I Problemi del Volontariato
Le associazioni di volontariato hanno rappresentato durante la pandemia di covid-19 una delle realtà più impegnate in assoluto sul fronte dell’aiuto a 360 gradi nei confronti del prossimo. Il distanziamento sociale e limitazioni di movimento hanno tuttavia evidenziato molte fragilità nelle realtà associative di volontariato, come la difficoltà nel gestire i turni fino ad arrivare, nei casi più gravi, alla vera e propria mancanza dei volontari stessi che temevano per la propria incolumità.
UNITED invita i partecipanti a sviluppare strumenti per ottimizzare il lavoro delle associazioni di volontariato, sia in tempi di crisi che non, e che possono includere, tra le altre cose, gestione turni, gestione richieste, reclutamento, rispetto delle restrizioni sanitarie.
Digitalizzazione PMI
Le PMI italiane spesso si trovano in difficoltà a dover affrontare i passaggi generazionali o peggio ancora non riescono ad effettuarlo realmente. Molti giovani si trovano imprigionati in contesti obsoleti senza poter esprimere le proprie potenzialità e costretti a rinunciare alla propria voglia di innovare. Questo è il classico esempio di una categoria in cui la tradizione è vitale e cioè l’artigianato. Ma bisogna capire che la tradizione rimane se viene innovata.
Innovare la tradizione proponendo passaggi generazionali capaci di conservare il passato.
Turismo e Prenotazioni
From Context In questo periodo è fondamentale cercare di creare un valore economico e produttivo per i settori strategici italiani che inevitabilmente hanno subito degli enormi disagi a causa del lockdown. Uno di questi è il turismo.
Challenge Come si potrebbero aiutare le strutture turistiche e/o artigianali e/o culturali in merito alla prenotazione di pernottamenti, beni o spettacoli, con l’utilizzo della tecnologia blockchain?
Turismo e Igiene
From Context La riapertura delle strutture turistiche è stata lenta e graduale, soprattutto a causa dell’obbligo per le aziende di effettuare le sanificazioni. Ma è necessario, anche per garantire il cliente, che ci sia un modo rapido e sicuro di assicurare l’avvenuta sanificazione.
Challenge In che modo garantire la sanificazione con l’ausilio della tecnologia blockchain?
Smart City
| Santiago Caprio |
New needs, social and economic changes, the rapid growth of the urban population, the increase in the density of displacements, the scarcity of resources, the technological and behavioral opportunities towards material and immaterial dynamics are just some of the factors that in the useful decades have brought the world's urban centers to face this problem. The goal of Smart Cities is precisely to respond to these challenges and take advantage of the opportunities offered by these changes by trying to create new projects and services for the Public Administration, Stakeholders and Companies to improve citizens' lives, respecting the environment. and future generations.
Smart City as a restart model.
The creation of models, tools and applications to rethink the interaction of citizens with urban areas, enhance cultural heritage, increase the quality of life, focusing on innovation needs. A new and smart way of thinking about health, mobility, education, art, culture but above all a new model aimed at creating economic, social and cultural value for cities and citizens.
Smart Working Protection
Context After years of chasing smart working, in a few days the coronavirus emergency pushed dozens of Italian companies to take immediate measures to allow workers to carry out their profession within the walls of their home, sheltered from the risk of contagion from Covid -19. And now smart working becomes reality. According to a study conducted by the Smart Working Observatory of the School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic, there are already about 570,000 smart workers in Italy, an increase of 20% compared to 2018. An increase destined to grow exponentially in 2020.
Challenge How to guarantee the balance between work and private life, balancing free time and work time? What new forms of protection should be created for agile work and by encouraging employee cybersecurity training? How can we guarantee the security of computer data and how can we develop skills and teamwork at a distance between workers in the private sector and in the PA?
Digital Culture
Context Culture moved to digital in the months of the lockdown for the pandemic: strong growth in television consumption which recorded a + 47%, reading books with + 14% and listening to music with + 7%. While reading of comics, -27%, and magazines, -10% has decreased.
Challenge What are the new opportunities and frontiers of digital technology combined with the culture of the younger generations, from digital natives to millennials, how does the new way of learning change between digital platforms, streaming and e-books?
Tourism Crisis
From Context
The Coronavirus emergency is generating a serious crisis in the entire tourism sector: the important and necessary restrictive measures to stop the virus have led to the progressive closure of all activities. If all the companies in the sector cannot access strong and immediate support, there is a risk of a chain collapse, with heavy impacts on the economy, on direct employment, on the immense connected industries and on the country.
What should be the actions and strategies at national level to restart tourism in the near future which is, together, a fundamental economic sector for the country? What ideas and projects to launch to help the actors in the supply chain and the various operators in the area?
Emotional Well-being
Context During the lockdown we all had difficult times. The impact on our emotional well-being and mental health is undeniable. Often working from home involves times and times much heavier than when you are in the office. Distancing and working from home take away social opportunities. Uncertainty about the future, whether for entrepreneurs, managers or employees, is not easy to manage. All this creates stress, a stress that not only affects work performance but also family relationships and physical well-being.
Challenge Guarantee the emotional well-being of our collaborators (suppliers, customers).
What tools, apps, technological and communication solutions to identify post COVID19 psychological distress?
Food and Sustainability
Context Sustainable food security post Covid-19: how do we guarantee accessibility for all to quality food by renouncing global supply chains?
Challenge The current emergency situation has highlighted the criticality of the food supply chain which, in addition to being unsustainable from an environmental point of view, is at the center of scientific discussions related to the spread of the epidemic (example: an increase in infections within the supply chain productive). On the other hand, the global supply chains allow a redistribution of decisive foods even in poorly equipped areas, a reduction of costs and therefore an accessibility for all social classes. Intensive, unsustainable and cruel breeding, producing in large quantities allow a substantial reduction of costs. Think only of organic eggs, they cost about three times as much as other eggs, therefore they remain a product for a few. Can we imagine a paradigm shift? A food supply chain that is both safe, sustainable and for everyone!
United In DiverCity
Context One of the main consequences of the covid was the increase in hours spent online and on various social networks. In particular, the latter is increasingly active in the phenomenon of cyberbullying and the use of words of hatred. The activities put in place so far do not seem to have had the ability to stem this phenomenon.
Challenge Which tool (or which tools at the same time) could stem the phenomenon and make the network a safe place?
Cultural and Artistic Heritage
Economic and tourist enhancement of areas of historical and artistic importance.
Italia Nostra sfida i partecipanti a sviluppare idee e strumenti per lo sviluppo delle piccole città o municipi con un ricco patrimonio artistico e storico ma dotate di poche risorse economiche per stimolare il turismo culturale.
Describe in depth the tool (or a combination of them) that could help the many small villages in this condition.
Isola Plastic-Free
Le microplastiche in cui si trasforma la plastica sono la minaccia più grave per la sopravvivenza dell’ecosistema marino. Il Mediterraneo è tra le zone più a rischio: nonostante sia un mare molto piccolo (l’1% delle acque mondiali), essendo chiuso, le concentrazioni di microplastiche sono il 7% a livello globale!
Pantelleria è un’isola meravigliosa tra la Sicilia e l’Africa, un’isola che vive di agricoltura e turismo e che potrebbe diventare un esempio di turismo sostenibile. E come Pantelleria tutte Ie isole del mediterraneo (e non solo!) potrebbero diventarlo!
Quali sistemi o strumento si potrebbero implementare per trasformare un’isola come Pantelleria in un’isola plastic-free!